If you're considering retiring in Spain, first look beyond the Costa del Sol. You may wind up there anyway, as many retirees have before you. (Most...

Whether you're an adventurous person, a DIY expert or simply a persnickety home buyer, the thought of building your own home might be a thrilling p...

If you remember bond drives in school, please raise your hand. There are still a lot of us out there. I recall my teacher holding up a US Savings B...

A cash advance is a loan from your credit card. It usually comes at a higher APR than regular purchases and is often limited to a percentage of you...

If you're in the market for a major purchase like a new car, or need some extra cash to fund a personal project, taking out a loan could be your be...

Dental insurance will cost you much less in premiums than health insurance, but of course there's a catch. Most health insurance policies cover a h...

They don't get the public outcry that payday loans receive (see Beware Of Payday Loans), but in the eyes of most consumer protection agencies, they...

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